All of the reports are listed on the right side of the dashboard page. They are all generated based on the information entered within the top black navigation bar (dispatches, trips, invoices, expenses, and maintenances). All reports are generated based on DELIVERY date. Below is a list of all of the reports and their functionality, as well as where the information on the reports are generated from.
- Company Overview Report- This report can be generated monthly. There are 15 categories that his report lists.
-Revenue: this number is generated based on the information entered under "Fees/charges" including primary fee, accessory fees, and fuel surcharges.
-Revenue Paid: generated based on the invoices-the payments entered.
-Expenses: includes driver pay, invoice advance, fuel expenses and truck expenses.
-Profit: Total revenue minus expenses
-Load Count: Number of Loads within that month.
-Revenue Per Load: an average of all revenue for that month.
-Miles: The total number of loaded and empty miles
-Miler per load: the average of all miles within that month per load
-Revenue Per Mile: The total revenue divided by the miles.
-Revenue Per Loaded Mile: Total revenue divided by loaded miles only
-Expense Per Mile: Total expenses divided by the total miles
-Expense Per Loaded Mile: Total expenses divided by loaded miles only.
-Profit per mile: Profit (revenue minus expenses) divided by the total miles.
-Profit Per Loaded Mile: Profit (revenue minus expenses) divided by Total loaded Mile
- Tax Report- This report can be generated from any date range. It will show the total gross (any information entered under "Fees/charges" including primary fee, accessory fees, and fuel surcharges), itemized expenses, driver list with number of dispatches and driver pay, and a list of units.
- Profit & Loss-Generated from any date range. Shows total revenue-generated based on dispatch/trip information-anything listed under fees/charges, including primary fee, accessory fees, and fuel surcharges), also shows itemized expenses including driver pay. At the bottom, it takes the revenue minus expenses and gives you a total profit/loss. Also includes Additional Pay added in the Driver Settlement (PRO version only)
- Driver Settlement: On the BASIC version, you will select the driver and the date range. It will list the load number, delivery date, driver name, pickup and delivery location, the base pay (driver pay set up under settings tab), the driver accessory pay (entered under dispatch section under "accessory driver pay", total pay (base pay +driver accessory pay), advance (entered under dispatch section under "driver advance", and Net Pay (total pay minus driver advance). On the PRO version, see
- Expenses: Generated from any date range. Shows monthly itemized expenses, total itemized expenses from entire date range chosen, and the total amount of expenses at the bottom.
- IRP State Miles: This report allows you to select which trucks to generate the report for as well as the date range. We use PC Miler's best practical route to calculate the miles within the dispatch/trip. This report will break down the total, empty, loaded, empty manual miles, loaded manual miles, and toll miles per state and per truck.
- Fuel Expenses: Breaks down the state, gallons, and cost per truck and per state. This report can be generated from any date range.
- Reefer Fuel Expenses: Breaks down the state, gallons, and cost per truck and per state. This report can be generated from any date range.
- Customer Report: After selecting the date range, this report will first sort the customer type (when adding a customer in your address book, there is a "customer type" drop-down can select either Direct Customer, Broker, or 3PL). The report will break down the total revenue, number of loads, average revenue per load, and number of days since last load, per customer type. You can then click "view details" or "top 25 customers" next to each customer type to see individual brokers, customers, or 3PL stats.
- Fuel Vendor: Generated based on dates. This reports breaks down all of the fuel vendors entered either under the dispatch/trips or expense column. Lists fuel vendors, total fuel purchases per vendor, gallons, cost, and cost per gallon.
- Quarterly IFTA: This report allows you to select which truck(s) to be on the report. Breaks the miles and gallons down state-by-state. On the Pro version, there is also the option to generate the IFTA tax report that breaks down the taxes by state.
- Quarterly Maintenance: Generated by quarter with the ability to select which truck(s) to be on the report. Shows the date, truck, odometer, cost, and vendor.
- Unit Revenue: Generated based on date range: The report breaks down the truck revenue and expenses. The revenue is based on the Fees/Charges entered within the dispatch/trip. It takes the total revenue, subtracts the truck expenses, and gives you a total profit.
- Unit Operating Income: Generated based on date range. The revenue is based on the Fees/Charges entered within the dispatch/trip. This report takes the revenue, subtracts the truck expenses, maintenance expenses, and driver pay, then gives a total Profit.
- Miles Per Gallon: Generated based on date range. Lists each truck, the total miles (loaded and empty), the total gallons, and the Miles per Gallon.
- Unit Miles: Generated based on date range. Lists all units, total miles, and individual truck total miles.
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