Add multiple drivers/trips to one load
Would like to be able to add multiple drivers/trips to one load. Example on a load from Dallas, TX to Chicago, IL. Driver #1 has a trip from Dallas, Tx to St Louis. Driver #2 has a trip from St Louis to Chicago, IL. Customer only wants one invoice from Dallas to Chicago. We should have the option to add driver #1 so he gets paid for his trip from Dallas to St Louis and add driver #2 sp he gets paid from St Louis to Chicago and the customer will get one invoice showing load from Dallas, TX to Chicago, IL. Please advise.
Did you get any updates for this? We need this ASAP
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I hope we can get this. It's a mess trying to split a load.
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Any solutions for this? we need it ASP
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I need the split load option too. Please help with this.
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We need this too!!
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Any update on this? or did you guys switch TMS?
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