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IFTA reports



  • Official comment
    Allen Campbell

    In the Pro version you can add IFTA tax calculations and then run the report by truck or for all trucks.

    There are also separate reports for fuel cost per truck.

  • Debra Hammons

    The Ifta Report is the main reason why I am trying this program

  • Allen Campbell

    When filing your IFTA tax forms you don't need to know how much the fuel cost.  You just need to know the miles driven and the fuel purchased in each state.  That's why we have a separate report that shows the costs.

  • Christine Lowman

    I think we are all waiting for the IFTA to calculate.  I am pretty good with a spread sheet, so I programmed the IFTA tax rates, and then just copy and paste from your IFTA reports, but it takes me about 2 hours to copy and paste miles and gallons for 45 trucks.  IT would be nice if you could just offer actual IFTA reports for us to use and to submit to our states.  It would take me about 15 minutes then :)

  • Permanently deleted user

    As you know, the system will give you the total miles and gallons per state for each truck you select.  The completed (filled in) IFTA Forms for each state are in process for development.  The LTL option will be the first release, then the IFTA Forms by state.  Once the LTL option is release, start looking for the IFTA release not too long afterwards.

  • Ayub Sharif

    HI Christine,

    I'm one of the Trucking office users too, 45 trucks for two hours seems you setup an amazing spread sheet model, I try to do the same, but copying and pasting don't usually align with states and miles I setup. if you share with me the spread sheet you programmed will be appreciated you can send it to me, Thanks  


    Hello Allen,

    How can I see fuel cost for each trucks? on Fuel Expenses, it totals all the trucks!!!   





  • Maritza Rubio

    How can I print an individual driver trip report without the cost of the trip cost information just the IVM sheet?


  • Allen Campbell

    You can click on view trip and then click on the button at the top that says Trip Report.  That should have the driver info that you are looking for.  It is a PDF so that you can print or email easily.  Also if you were using our ELD that info would automatically go to the diver's ELD mobile app.


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