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New PDF Invoice



  • Clay Allman

    I can not view the pdf invoice.  It brings up an error screen with the following info:


    Duplicate headers received from server

    The response from the server contained duplicate headers. This problem is generally the result of a misconfigured website or proxy. Only the website or proxy administrator can fix this issue.
    Error 349 (net::ERR_RESPONSE_HEADERS_MULTIPLE_CONTENT_DISPOSITION): Multiple distinct Content-Disposition headers received. This is disallowed to protect against HTTP response splitting attacks.
  • Jesse Cardona

    when doing invoice to print off of same number assigned as load Number the invoice posts a different Number, example my load # 6000 then it uses another invoice Number 6011

  • Lydia Lilly

    You have to type in the invoice number at the top right before printing pdf, IF YOU DO NOT PRINT INVOICE AFTER YOU CREATE DISPATCH. So after you put in all your invoices then ready to print just look at top and yo will see another little box with voice number and you can change there.

  • Allen Campbell

    Clay,  it looks like we were having an isolated problem with PDF invoices that only effected customers that were using Internet Explorer.  We have found the problem, and it is fixed now.  Let me know if you are still having trouble.

  • Clay Allman

    I don't use IE....although we did try there after having problems in our main browsers.  It was universal across IE, Firefox, and Chrome.  After trying it again IE and Firefox now work, but Chrome still gives the same error.

    I will freely admit that this is worlds better appearance wise than the original invoice version!  However, is it possible to make the invoices come up in a different tab or window?  Or get rid of columns or items that don't have dollar amounts?

  • Allen Campbell

    Clay,  the problem in Chrome is fixed now.  Let me know if you still have any problems with it.


    I am glad you like the PDF invoice.  Having them open in a new window is browser setting.  You can have your browser open them in Adobe.

  • Clay Allman

    Our browser is already set up to open all links in a new tab but for some reason it doesn't work with your program.  I'll see if I can tweak some stuff on our end.

  • User

    On the morning of 9/12/14 I came in to enter some dispatches and invoice them at the same time. We use the Firefox browser and have been using the Firefox browser through SEVERAL Firefox updates since starting with Trucking Office several years ago. But this morning when clicking on the "printable pdf" button in the invoicing screen, it takes a while, then you get get the red "please try again". First time we've experienced this EVER. And i've got to get several done and sent to my factoring company before noon today. Any help is appreciated. I have logged out and logged back in to Trucking Office twice but no go. Also, the chat window that stands at the ready minimized to the bottom right of the screen is also missing. I don't know what happened but it's strange and our first time for either problem, the pdf invoice error and the missing chat window.




    Dwayne Owen

    DJK Inc.

  • Yasir sss

    Hi Dwayne,

    Thanks for your email response letting us know that by closing the Firefox browser and reopening it that it resolved the issue for you. Also thank you for the positive feedback about the software. Normally our staff logs into chat sometime between 830-9am Monday through Friday and it looks like they first logged in right after you sent this which is why you did not see the chat window at first. If the chat option is not there you are also welcome to email us at at any time or call into the office at 1-800-253-9647. Our office hours are Monday through Friday from 8 am to 5 pm Eastern. 


    Diana Sprouse

  • gerry hoffman

    Hi I was wondering if there is a way to move the panels or switch them so that the billing address is where it used to be? We use right panel envelopes and it worked just fine with the old version but now you switched the addresses so our address is where the billing address used to be and they are no longer usable. I was just wondering if there is a quick fix or if I am going to have to get more envelopes.


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